Myrtle Beach Downtown Alliance
Our Impact
Future Glimpse: Broadway Streetscape
We endeavor to drive quality and public-private partnerships in the redevelopment of Downtown Myrtle Beach in pursuit of our vision. We will collaborate with government agencies and other organizations to develop proper policies and procedures which we feel will help us reach our goal of infusing private investment into our revitalization efforts. We also believe it is important to advocate for policies that help preserve our local culture and to nullify the unintended consequences of redevelopment.

Clean & Safe
This committee’s coalition is about working to keep our city clean and safe. We work together with businesses, the city of Myrtle Beach, and other non-profit organizations along with the combined efforts of our Gold Cap Ambassadors, the use of data analysis, and attending meetings to help us understand the full complex nature of the programs that assist us.

Myrtle Beach Downtown Alliance is working on infusing public art and wayfinding into downtown. Downtown is under transformation and will show a glimpse of the future, today. Some projects you will see pop up is the addition of trails, the arts and innovation center, and so much more. There will be a lot of progress moving forward but look at our current road realignment to see what downtown is going to look like tomorrow, today.